Our Mission
Padre Pio Gottin Charities, Inc is a non-profit organization aimed exclusively at furthering the life work and message of Padre Pio, a devoted missionary who dedicated more than fifty years of his life working on behalf of all Capeverdeans. Well recognized as a man with a charitable heart, Padre Pio spent most of his life addressing the spiritual and community concerns of our people across two continents.
Following his death in November 1999, the founding committee, with representatives from Massachusetts including cities such as Boston, Brockton, New Bedford, Scituate and Taunton and along with members from the state of Rhode Island, established this non-profit entity as an instrument to honor the life of Padre Pio and to carry on his work.
The mission of this charitable organization “is to advance Padre Pio’s work locally and internationally, by assisting economically and socially disadvantaged individuals, especially those of Capeverdean origin, in accessing available human and social services, including, but not limited to: health, education, employment, advocacy and family related services; to assist new immigrants while they assimilate into their new surroundings; to promote cultural exchanges and foster mutual appreciation and respect for persons of diverse cultural, ethnic and racial heritages."
Our Accomplishments
With your help and support, since its inception in February 2000, Padre Pio Gottin Charities, Inc has accomplished the following:
• Award five academic scholarships annually to Capeverdean students entering institutions of higher learning
• Monthly stipend to the elderly Capeverdean immigrants of São Tome & Principe currently living on a meager monthly retirement income
• Sponsor of Jardim Infantil de Galinheiro (pre-school in Fogo) with annual donation of $2,000 to support the activities and operations of the school
• Financial assistance to families affected by tragedy (victims of Katrina, fishermen lost at sea in São Vicente, families in Porto Novo, Santo Antão affected by unemployment and drought, families of accident in Tarrafal, etc.
• Regular shipment of medication, clothing, food items, school supplies and monetary support to communities and individual families on the islands of Cape Verde
• Financial support to schools and parishes on several islands, including Escola Materna Nossa Senhora Da Graça, Paroquia de São Miguel Arcanjo, Paroquia de Santa Catarina, among others.
• Financial assistance to uninsured immigrant families in the United States for medical care and funeral services
• Annual financial support to Franciscan Sisters in Boston and Brockton
• Christmas toy drive for children of the Cape Verde Islands